The Illustrated Jack the Ripper

The Illustrated Jack the Ripper [Kindle Edition] | Gary Reed (Author) | Mark Bloodworth (Illustrator)

Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Liz Stride, Cate Eddowes, Mary Kelly...names immortalized for over 100 years. Not because of great deeds or noble acts or grandiose actions, but because they were prostitutes trapped in the cesspool of London, the jewel of the world's cities. Because they were victims...victims of a madness that struck the foggy night with gleaming steel. They were the food that fed the legacy of the greatest killer of all time...Jack the Ripper.

The Illustrated Jack the Ripper is a survey of the information known about the most infamous killer of all time, Jack the Ripper. Included here are brief looks at the official victims, suspects, background on the area of Whitechapel, and more, including some official photographs of the time period and newspaper articles. This short excursion provides a concise yet comprehensive look a killer who has never been caught. A perfect introduction to the complexities of the serial killer who has fascinated criminologists and mystery buffs for over a century. Mark Bloodworth adds a number of sequential art pages, conveying a dark and sinister look to his art as each of the victims is portrayed in their final moments with Jack.

The script and text writing by Gary Reed, known for his work in bringing historical and literary works to graphic novel formats, is succinct yet maintains the edge he is known for.
Review Pictures, drawings and text filled with the history of Jack the Ripper. If you love the legend of this serial killer, it's all here in this handy book!! The Illustrated Jack the Ripper is nothing short of spellbinding - fierce and compelling. You will come away as a knowledgeable Ripperologist! --Jazma Online
Product Details
  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 2906 KB
  • Print Length: 54 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Transfuzion Publishing (March 10, 2008)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English


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