First Manga on the Kindle

Who does not recognize Amazon Kindle? Kindle has begun to change the way people read. With Kindle you can read books, magazines, newspapers, comics - and anything printed on plain paper - where you are, whenever you want, you just have to download the newest edition.
Recently, a mangaka publishes Japanese-language manga titled " Aozora Finder Rock" on the Kindle platform. This means Aozora is the first manga in the world based Kindle.
Kindle users can read comics too. In fact, for black-and-white comics, like The Walking Dead, the Scott Pilgrim series, or most Manga, it looks pretty good once you get the files onto your e-reader. That’s where the open-source software tool Mangle helps out.

Mangle (Manga + Kindle = Mangle, get it?) was designed by FooSoft’s Alex Yatsov for the bad old days, before the Kindle had decent orientation tools. But it’s still really useful for getting your comic images in the right alignment and order. Plus, it’s compiled for Mac and Windows, or you can run it right in Python.

To make it even easier, the iReader Review blog included step-by-step directions and blogged the process. They hit a few snags, but the final product looks very nice indeed.


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